In New Jersey, a crime called aggravated assault is a violent crime that involves causing bodily harm. The type of injury is dependent on the circumstances. An alleged perpetrator can inflict a minor bodily injury without being guilty of aggravated assault. However, if the injury results in a significant bodily injury, the defendant may be found guilty of the offense. This is because the act of committing aggravated assault must involve the threat of a deadly weapon.
Arrested individuals can be charged with aggravated assault if they commit a criminal offense against a person. It can be a simple attack against a judge or justice, a healthcare worker, or a member of the Department of Child Protective Services. A convicted person can also face a higher sentence if the attack involved a weapon. Luckily, it is not too difficult to get a conviction for an aggravated assault if the victim is pregnant.
Depending on the severity of the crime, aggravated assault can carry a prison sentence of up to 25 years. A conviction for aggravated assault requires premeditation and a serious intent to cause harm. A conviction for a first-degree felony carries steep fines of up to $20,000. Second-degree aggravated assault is not a felony, but must be committed with the intention of doing serious bodily harm.
Assault is a serious crime. It can be committed with the intention to injure another person. If an attack is made against a judge or justice, the convicted person may face a prison term of ten years. The charges of aggravated assault can result in a higher jail sentence and a criminal record. Furthermore, if the victim is pregnant, the assailant must have known that the person was pregnant. This can be proven through the uniform, appearance, and conduct of the suspect. Often, there is a’reasonable doubt’ in the defendant’s mind, and a lawyer will assess the likelihood of a conviction and determine a minimum sentence.
A second-degree aggravated assault is committed when an assailant causes serious bodily injury to a victim. A serious bodily injury can be a loss of function, limb, or other types of severe physical damage. It may be illegal to point an airsoft BB gun at someone and then stab them with it, but it is not a serious offense. Moreover, if the assailant has a firearm, the assailant can be found guilty of aggravated assault.
In addition to an assault charge, an accused person may also be able to claim defenses. In some jurisdictions, an assailant may be able to claim insanity, which allows him to defend himself or his property. In other jurisdictions, consent to an assault charge is a valid defense. A convicted person must have written proof that the assault was justified. The defenses of the accused must be unambiguous and a written alibi is necessary.