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What is the Punishment For Theft?

By Tyrrell Sampson

Theft is a crime that can have a significant impact on your life. It can involve a variety of penalties, depending on the type of property stolen and the severity of the offense. Regardless of the type of theft, a conviction can make obtaining housing, loans, citizenship, and employment more difficult. You should contact a criminal defense attorney if you’ve been charged with any theft crime.

There are two types of theft charges: petty and felony. Petty crimes are generally less serious than felony crimes. A petty larceny charge involves stealing something that is worth a thousand dollars or less. If you’ve been charged with petty larceny, you may be eligible for a plea bargain or fine. However, it’s always a good idea to consult an experienced criminal defense lawyer to ensure you get the best possible outcome.

Felony crimes are more serious, and the penalty for a felony theft can range from five to 20 years in prison. Whether you’re convicted of a felony crime or not, your criminal history can play a huge role in determining how long you’ll spend in jail. For example, a thief with a history of stealing firearms faces a sentence of 10 years to 15 years in prison, whereas someone with no such past would only be facing a fine.

The severity of a larceny crime depends on how much money is taken, and whether any damage was done to the victim. This means that the more money you stole, the more likely you’ll end up in jail. While a theft of a candy bar won’t put you behind bars, it can have a huge impact on your life.

Depending on the value of the property stolen, the offender can face up to a year in prison or up to $3000 in fines. In addition to prison, the defendant can be required to pay community service or restitution. Having a felony conviction can make it more difficult to secure employment and to receive loans.

There are a variety of ways to defend yourself against a theft charge, and it’s important to speak to an attorney before you talk to police or legal authorities. Many people are unaware of the fact that judges have a great deal of discretion in their sentencing decisions. As a result, the amount of time you serve in prison can vary greatly, and a judge may also consider any mitigating factors when determining the penalty for a larceny crime.

There are two main categories of theft: misdemeanor and felony. Misdemeanor theft is often associated with shoplifting or theft of a credit card, but it can also include stealing official identity papers or a motor vehicle. A felony theft is an offense that involves the stealing of expensive property, such as a car, jewelry, or other valuable items. Felony theft can be punished with a state prison term of up to three years.

In some states, grand theft is a felony. If you steal an item worth more than $1.5 million, you can be incarcerated for up to 11 years. Alternatively, you could face a fine of up to $1,000.

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